Home Seller’s Bill of Rights
We the people of The Liz Spear Team of RE/MAX Elite believe that Warren County home sellers have certain inalienable rights owed to them in their pursuit of the sale of their home. ….okay…we borrowed from the Declaration too!
* They are entitled to freedom of speech! They should be able to speak their minds freely to their REALTOR® and come to a meeting of the minds on the “tough” topics. The speech may not always be what they WANT to hear from their REALTOR®, but TRUTH should be spoken.
* They are entitled to proper marketing! Lousy photos should never happen. The home data should be accurate. The map placement should be where the home ACTUALLY is! That their home will be placed on as many Internet sites as possible to ensure the right buyer finds them! Listing in BOTH Cincinnati AND Dayton MLS just for starters.
* They are entitled to proper pricing! This may sometimes be the toughest truth, but everything else will fail if pricing isn’t appropriate. Too low and profits are left on the table, too high and the home stagnates on the market. Pricing should be backed up with data and not just an “I feel” proposition from the agent.
* They are entitled to a secure home! That only authorized agents will show the home. That the home will be LOCKED when the showing is over. That buyers won’t be allowed by the buyer’s agent to look in personal spaces like dressers and closed boxes.
* They are entitled to responsiveness from their listing agent! This doesn’t mean we’re taking calls at 1 a.m.! But we will respond to your emails, your phone calls, your need for new flyers and brochure booklets and each of your questions, and the response will be done quickly.
* They are entitled to a listing agent who understands the latest in technology! Can they use the Internet to get your home found? Do they blog? Do they have the tools necessary to support your home’s sale, or are they still using the equivalent of stone and chisel?
* They are entitled to current information! They should be kept up to date on their competition and the actions needed to keep their home competitive! This isn’t a “just put a sign in the yard and an entry in MLS” and wait environment. Conditions change and sellers need to be kept informed. Whether the market is trending up, down or stable, it is critical to understand this week’s market.
* They are entitled to understanding! Selling a home is NOT easy. We’ll never make that claim. We understand packing up four kids, two dogs and a cat for every showing is NOT fun. That buyers bumping you out and showing up early, or late, or not at all is a hassle. That keeping the home “show ready” all the time is stressful. We won’t arbitrarily ask you to do things that WON’T help you sell your home.
* They are entitled to privacy! If you happen to encounter a buyer’s agent or buyers….now is your time to politely plead the Fifth! Direct them to YOUR listing agent with any questions. It’s part of what we’re paid to do. There’s enough public information available for the buyers, keep what’s private, PRIVATE. Why you are moving is no one else’s business but your own. We know how to answer that question and many more without hurting your negotiating position.
So if you’re considering selling your Warren County home, we’d love to talk to you further about our Home Seller Bill of Rights! We believe you’ll love our marketing plan for your home! We’ll give you our best possible advice with no hassle, no pressure. So email, call, text….whatever works for you!