Why New Construction Might Not Be Your Best Choice

It’s hard to top a new construction home, right? Especially if it’s made to your exact specifications, no dents, no dings, everything just the way you want it!

But new construction isn’t always the best fit for every home buyer. Here’s five reasons new construction might not be for you:

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    If you’re on a tight time line, new construction may not be a great fit. Most new construction in our area takes 5-7 months to complete from contract to handing you the keys. If we’re lucky, the builder has an already built home that’s close to what you need, but don’t expect an exact match.
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    You may be moving again, and sooner rather than later. Have a job that requires regular moves? Appreciation in Warren County is typically fairly low, so moving soon may mean you’ll be competing with a builder who hasn’t finished the community yet. Head to head, new construction vs. your now “used” home puts you at a disadvantage.
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    A young community may not have all its amenities yet, but your HOA fees will still be the same. The pools, clubhouse, walking trails and park take time to develop. Are those amenities critical to you?
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    New construction isn’t always the best value. Resales (at least the right resale) typically give you more for your dollar than brand new. Builders don’t want to negotiate their prices when building to order. Yes, you may need to paint and update a resale, but you may still come out miles ahead on your budget. With new construction an entire community may be price inflated when compared to other developments.
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    If they’re still building, it might be a bit messy for awhile. And watch out for stray nails in the streets. The grass seed and sod take time to give you a “normal” lawn. The neighbor’s home being built? Bang bang bam goes the hammers when you’d rather be catching some zzzzzzs. And it may not stop for months.

Now all that said, if new construction IS the right fit for you, we can help you! We work with the builders across the region, but let’s be clear, WE WORK FOR YOU AND NOT THE BUILDER!! And our costs are built into their overhead, so no sweetheart deal from the builder for coming in solo.

Just contact us with your needs (location, key features, price range, time frame, etc.) and we’ll review your new home options with you!

And if a resale is the best fit for you? We’d be happy to help with that too!

Just call 513-520-5305 to get started!